10 ways to build quality backlinks for any website

10 ways to build quality backlinks for any website

Learn how you can scale your link building efforts and achieve SEO success in any industry or niche.

10 ways to build quality backlinks for any website

What are Backlinks?

Backlinks, also known as inbound links or incoming links, are links from one website to another. In other words, they are links that point to your website from other websites on the internet. Backlinks are important for search engine optimization (SEO) because they signal to search engines that other websites consider your content to be valuable and relevant.

Search engines such as Google use backlinks as one of the key factors to determine the authority and popularity of a website. The more high-quality backlinks a website has, the more likely it is to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant queries. However, it’s important to note that not all backlinks are created equal – some may have more weight than others depending on various factors such as the authority of the linking website, the relevance of the linking page, and the anchor text used for the link.

How to Design a Link Building Campaign: Techniques and Strategies for Success

Link building is one of the most crucial parts of any SEO campaign. However, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy for building links because each website and situation is unique. What works for one website may not work for another. That’s why you need to understand the factors that affect your website’s link building success and choose the right techniques and strategies accordingly.

To help you design a successful link building campaign, we’ve put together some essential techniques and strategies that you can use for almost any situation.

Am I using the right link building strategy?

Before we dive into the strategies, let’s consider some crucial factors that can impact the success of your link building campaign. By answering the following questions, you can determine which technique to use and how to scale it for your website’s current situation:

  1. How many topics are there to discuss in your niche?
  2. What type of website will get the links?
  3. Are specific link building techniques easier or harder to do in your niche?
  4. Is your website in a “Your Money or Your Life” niche (YMYL)?
  5. How competitive are your keywords?
  6. What type of content is currently available? Or what are your content capabilities?
  7. Which pages do you want to rank?
  8. What are your prospecting and outreach capabilities? Do you have an in-house team, or are you outsourcing to a link building agency?
  9. Do you have a following? Will anyone share your content naturally?
  10. Are you focused locally, nationally or internationally?
  11. Do you have the time and resources to perform the link building strategy?

These questions can act as a litmus test for selecting the right link building strategy for your website.

Selecting pages for link building by website type

Different types of websites have varying content needs and link building requirements. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most common types of websites and how to select pages for link building:

Affiliate websites:

Affiliate sites can take many forms, including blogs, coupon sites, product listicles, product directories, review sites, shopping comparisons, and more. Typically, these sites need links to articles or brand listing pages. Guest posting, resource page links, and competitor link building are very effective for most niches.

Marketplaces or directories:

These sites connect buyers and sellers and usually facilitate transactions. Examples include Etsy, Upwork, and Themeforest. Building links directly to the listing pages or informational articles is possible with the strategies below.


An ecommerce site will want links to brand, product or category pages to improve ranking. These pages are often the most challenging to get links for. However, guest posting, competitor link building, resource pages, image link building, and product samples can build links to almost any page when done correctly. Finding unlinked brand mentions of the site’s products is also a highly effective technique. Consider the skyscraper technique and create content that is designed for link building.

Online training and certificates:

These websites can improve enrollment page rankings with links to enrollment pages. Although these links are difficult to secure, they use similar techniques to ecommerce.


Both online and brick-and-mortar universities likely have a lot of authoritative content, some of which professors can write. Blogs like to cite reputable sources, a unique angle universities can leverage to secure links. Building links to informational pages and internally linking to program pages can yield a lot of natural links.

Direct-to-Consumer CPG.

Consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies that sell directly to consumers through their website tend to focus heavily on creating content and have an ecommerce section. These companies also prioritize building brand awareness.

To generate more links for these brands, strategies like guest posting, unlinked brand mentions, image link building, product samples, and blogger roundups can be effective. Informational articles and ecommerce pages are particularly good targets for links.

I highly recommend leveraging Help a Reporter Out (HARO) with a CPG brand.

National with a Local Focus:

Companies with a national presence that target local keywords face unique challenges in building links. These sites usually have a page for each location, which is ideal for link building.

I’ve found that working with travel or local bloggers can be effective in generating links to a location page. However, it’s important to also create long-form content that targets national keywords to build a diverse and natural link profile.

SaaS and Tech (B2B or B2C):

Large technology companies or startups can generate links to informational articles, solutions pages, industry pages, or other types of informative content.

Competitor link building, guest posting, and resource page links can all be effective in generating links to these pages. Resource links may lead directly to a product or homepage, but they can still be valuable.

Local Services:

Local businesses may have fewer resources for content creation, but their focus is often on their home, location, or service pages. Attending local events can be a good way to generate “low-hanging fruit” links.

Digital PR, competitor link building, and roundup articles for local businesses can all help to secure links for the local market. Additionally, travel bloggers who list the business’s city on their site can be a good source of links to pages about the city.

The strategies listed above can be effective for any type of website. However, if the site has an active content marketing program, certain strategies may be more effective than others.

10 high-quality link building strategies:

1. Build relationships with established bloggers to distribute content:

Since starting my business in 2018, I’ve been cultivating relationships with bloggers, authors, and publishers to secure links through email outreach.

A warm introduction from someone they know can lead to a much higher response rate compared to a cold email. Effective ways to engage a publisher or author include:

  • Meeting them at events
  • Offering a free broken link analysis of their site
  • Sponsoring or advertising on their website
  • Contributing to their community
  • Sharing an exciting story
  • Sending free product samples

2. Focus on high-quality guest posting and natural links:

Guest posting can involve either finding guest posting opportunities for team members or building relationships with existing contributors to a site. However, it’s essential to contribute only to high-quality blogs to avoid wasting time.

The easiest way to find guest posting opportunities is to use a Google search operator like {keyword} intitle: “write for us”/”guest author”/”contributor.” After finding a list of potential sites, pitch article topics that align with their audience.

3. Conduct competitor link building with cold outreach:

One effective strategy for securing links in any niche is to identify sites that link to your competitors but not to your site. Tools like Ahrefs, Moz, Majestic, and SEMrush have extensive databases of links that can help with this task.

Using one of these tools, enter a competitor’s domain, find a list of unique referring domains, and use a tool like PitchBox or Buzzstream to find email addresses. Then, start the outreach process.

4. Use skyscraper links from top-ranking sites:

The skyscraper technique involves analyzing top-ranking sites for a particular keyword, creating content that provides unique value compared to the top-ranking articles, and reaching out to the sites linking to those articles to ask them to update their link with yours.

To execute this strategy, identify a popular topic, research the best content available, and create a more comprehensive and up-to-date version. Finally, reach out to bloggers and influencers in your niche and ask for backlinks to your content.

5. Pitch journalists with HARO or #journorequest:

Connecting with journalists and bloggers who are looking for sources, data, or information for upcoming articles can increase your response rates. Help a Reporter Out (HARO) and the #journorequest hashtag on Twitter are two popular resources for finding relevant requests.

To make the most of these platforms, develop a pitch deck for a specific subject matter expert at your company and identify relevant requests. Then, contact journalists and bloggers via email in HARO, comment on the #journorequest tag thread, or reach out directly on Twitter to the writer making the #journorequest.

6. Utilizing Resource Pages for Internal Linking:

One way to provide readers with valuable resources is by leveraging existing pages that list websites, articles, products, or other assets. To get started, conduct research using Google, Ahrefs, or BuzzStream. Use the search operators below by replacing “keyword” with your target keyword(s) or niche-related terms:

  • “keyword” + inurl:resources
  • “keyword” + intitle:resources
  • “keyword” + intitle:links
  • “keyword” + “useful resources”
  • “keyword” + “useful links”

After generating a list, upload it to Ahrefs Batch Analysis tool, filter out low Domain Rating (DR) domains, and then upload the remaining list to BuzzStream to get emails and outreach.

7. Image Link Building through Reverse Image Lookup:

This strategy involves creating backlinks to a website that already uses imagery from your website but needs to be cited correctly. To identify these images, perform a reverse image search on Google Images or TinEye and click on the image to find the source URL. Then, upload the list to BuzzStream to begin outreach or use the forms directly on the site.

8. Universal Unlinked Mention:

This strategy involves finding unlinked mentions of the company, products/services, competitors’ names, or even topically relevant articles. Start by creating a list of keywords that look like [keyword] + “statistics” or “study.” Google the keyword and see what type of studies are showing up. Analyze the top-ranking articles and either create a roundup of statistics online or perform a new study.

9. Earn Links by Ranking for Statistical Keywords:

Creating articles with unique statistics can make link building outreach more effective, but they can also earn links by ranking for keywords with “statistics” or “study” in them. Start by keyword brainstorming to create a list of keywords and then google the keyword to see what type of studies are showing up. Analyze the top-ranking articles and either create a roundup of statistics online or perform a new study.

10. Link Building with Podcast Websites:

To utilize podcast websites for link building, find podcasts with websites that promote or reuse the content in written form. Google [keyword]+podcasts to find a podcast website in your niche and visit the website to ensure they summarize the podcast episodes in an article. Listen to each podcast to understand their angle on the topic, engage with the hosts or other guests on social media, and prepare to pitch.

Proven Link Building Strategies for Any Niche:

Link building is crucial for a successful SEO strategy for websites in various niches. Tailor your approach by understanding the unique aspects of your website and niche. The strategies mentioned above can be applied to diverse website types, including affiliate websites, ecommerce platforms, universities, and local businesses. By asking the right questions and selecting the appropriate technique for your website, you can significantly improve your rankings and traffic.


In conclusion, link building is a crucial component of SEO strategy for websites of various niches, and there are several effective techniques to secure high-quality backlinks. Rewokers Advertising understands the importance of link building and offers a range of services to help clients improve their website’s rankings and drive traffic. By utilizing the strategies mentioned above and tailoring them to their specific website and niche, website owners can see significant improvements in their rankings and overall online presence. Trust Rewokers Advertising to help you implement a successful link building strategy for your website.


What is link building?

Link building is the practice of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own website.

Why is link building important for SEO?

Link building is important for SEO because it helps search engines to understand the value and relevance of your website’s content. When other websites link to your website, it signals to search engines that your website is a reputable source of information.

What are some effective link building strategies?

There are several effective link building strategies, including broken link building, guest posting, resource page link building, image link building through reverse image lookup, universal unlinked mention, earning links by ranking for statistical keywords, and link building with podcast websites.

Can link building strategies be applied to different types of websites?

Yes, link building strategies can be applied to various types of websites, including affiliate websites, ecommerce platforms, universities, and local businesses.

How can I determine which link building strategy is best for my website?

To determine which link building strategy is best for your website, you should consider your website’s niche, target audience, and existing content. You can also research your competitors to see what strategies they are using. Experimenting with different strategies can also help you to determine what works best for your website.

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