What is copywriting?
A complete guide to understanding everything you need to know about copywriting.
Advertising your products and services doesn’t always get you the results you need. Most of the time, it’s because the words on your website, in your marketing emails, or on your social media platforms are poorly written or ineffective at getting people to take the final step of making a purchase.
This is a huge factor for success in any industry. Whether you sell DIY home tools or offer insurance services, the way your written content is formulated matters more than you think.
Enter copywriting. It’s a fancy word for writing that you use in marketing strategies to improve sales and conversions.
Copywriting Definition and Overview
Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive marketing and promotional materials that motivate people to take some form of action, such as make a purchase, click on a link, donate to a cause, or schedule a consultation.
These materials can include written promotions that are published in print or online. They can also include materials that are spoken, such as scripts used for videos or commercials.
The text in these materials is known as “copy,” hence the name “copywriting.”
You may not realize it, but copywriting is everywhere.
In fact, if you just start by looking in your mailbox, you’ll find some obvious examples of copywriting. Promotions for local restaurants, catalogs, fundraising letters from charitable organizations, or sales letters for various products and services are all forms of copywriting.
But the world of copywriting extends far beyond printed materials.
Much of what you read online is also copywriting, including most webpages, any free reports you sign up for, and even the emails you receive after signing up.

Who is a Copywriter?
A copywriter writes words that move an audience to take action. There are many different types of copywriting, however, at the base of all of them is the act of studying a specific audience and understanding their needs and desires. Then, a copywriter strategizes a way to best connect with the audience, show the audience their problem is understood, and present a solution.
What does a copywriter create?
A copywriter is a person who provides the words for a variety of assets including webpages, blogs, articles, ads, social media posts, emails, posters, billboards, guides, case studies, whitepapers and more. They use the medium of writing to inform, engage, impact, and/or persuade audiences. The goals can vary from raising brand awareness to positioning a business or organization as an authority, to closing sales.

Who needs copywriters?
Copywriting is at the core of nearly every business.
Without copywriters, businesses wouldn’t be able to share their messages with potential customers to expand their markets, or with current customers to keep them engaged.
This includes websites, non-profit organizations, service providers, as well as brick-and-mortar retailers.
They all need and use copywriters.
Take Apple Inc. as an example. If you browse through their website, you’ll find descriptions of their products, like this one for the MacBook Air:

Product descriptions like these are written by copywriters, but you can also see there’s a link to a product video at the bottom of the page.
Guess who wrote the script for that video? You guessed it — a copywriter.
What’s the Difference Between Copywriting and Content Writing?
You may read or hear some sources that suggest copywriting and content writing are different things.
There’s a grain of truth to this, but we’ll explain where this distinction starts to break down.
As a general rule of thumb, copywriting refers to writing marketing and promotional materials. Content writing, on the other hand, refers to writing informational or editorial pages on websites, such as blog posts, article pages, or product pages.
This is an accurate description of what each term means.
But some definitions suggest that content writing is purely informational and has no element of persuasion, which means it is not copywriting.
At Rewokers, we disagree with this distinction.
Essentially all web pages will include some form of persuasion or call to action.
This is particularly evident on a product page with a clear “Buy Now!” button at the bottom.
But even an article page uses subtle calls to action, usually in the form of links to additional resources, or suggestions for other pages you can visit on the site.
These are all elements of persuasion.
So, it’s inaccurate to suggest that content writing is distinct from copywriting.
We feel that content writing is simply another type of copywriting.
And like any good copywriting, content writing aims to engage the reader and make them take some form of action, even if it’s just staying on a website to read another page.
Why is Copywriting So Valuable?
Copywriting may seem like something that fits neatly in the sales and marketing realm, yet much can be said about its particular value to your organization.
To start, good copywriting is valuable in strengthening your brand’s messaging and image, keeping you top of mind with your target audience.
It can also succinctly point out what makes your business special, your strengths, and what distinguishes you from your competitors. And finally, good copywriting can increase your overall conversion rates.
Types of Copywriting
There are many different examples of copywriting. Even on this page, you can see different types of copywriting, and each has an individual purpose.
When learning how to copywrite, you need to know about these different forms of copy.
Let’s look at some of the types below.
1. Brand Copywriting
2. Social Media Copywriting
3. SEO Copywriting
4. Insight Copywriting
5. Email Copywriting
Copywriting is an essential part of digital marketing.
If you can’t convince people to take action, then you can’t get clicks to your website, generate leads, or make sales.
Luckily, with the right focus, copywriting is something you can learn to do well, and these tips and tools should help. You can put this newfound skill to work for your own business, or you can get paid to do it for others. The choice is yours.
As always, though, if you need any help with your digital marketing and your copywriting, then speak to Our team.
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